All you need to know about making a Will
It's true that we don't like to think about a time when we may no longer be around but sadly it's so important that we do in order to protect the ones around us. If you have property, assets, investments or even just children or other people who depend on you, it is vital that you plan ahead and arrange your Will, even if it's only to support your family at an already difficult time when they'll be grieving.
APS Legal & Associates are professionals in this sector and can support you in arranging this important planning. They can assist you with incorporating legacies, appointing guardians for young children and planning for inheritance tax. They can also provide advice on Lasting Powers of Attorney, which are another vital planning tool to ensure your affairs are dealt with in accordance with your wishes, should for any reason you not be able to manage them yourself.
What having a Will means
Your wishes are clearly set out and this provides your family with much needed support and guidance at a time of need.
A Will allows you to:
- Appoint one or more trusted individuals as your executors.
- Decide who should receive your personal possessions & assets and in what shares.
- Avoid your estate being subject to the Rules of Intestacy i.e. the Government deciding where your assets should be distributed if you die without a Will.
- Appoint guardians for any children under the age of 18 or any other dependents.
- Arrange gifts to charity.
- Make a note of your funeral wishes.
Updating your Will
Even if you already have a Will, it's recommended that you should review it every three to five years to ensure it's kept up to date with any changes in your circumstances. This could include new relationships, marriages, divorces or deaths, as well as new children or grandchildren coming along, or it could also be as a result of a change in financial circumstances, for example buying a new home or entering retirement.
If your Will is not kept up to date, this could mean your assets are distributed to the wrong people or you may leave someone out unintentionally.
What happens if you don't have a Will?
Most people know that they should make a Will yet still only a small percentage of the population has actually done so.
Writing a Will keeps you in control of your estate and without one, your estate would be distributed according to a strict procedure, known as the Rules of Intestacy, which may not be as you would expect or would have hoped.
Rules of intestacy
Take a look at the rules of intestacy, a summary of provisions in England and Wales.
Why planning is needed now
Who would look after your young children if you were no longer around? If guardians are not appointed in a Will, your children could become Wards of Court and be placed in the care of social services until the court decides who is the best person to look after them
- Who would you want to deal with the practical aspects of dealing with your estate? Your executors are responsible for obtaining probate and paying inheritance tax, as well as distributing your estate. Probate can be significantly easier for your family members with professional help and support.
- Who would you like to inherit your assets? Is there anyone who you would want to specifically include or exclude?
- Are there any specific gifts you feel someone should receive? For example, do you have family heirlooms that you may wish to pass on or cash gifts that you would like to leave?
- Is your estate likely to be affected by Inheritance Tax – and is there anything you can do about it?
- Have you been involved with any charities in the past or have an alliance with that you would like to continue to support?
Who will make decisions for you if you become incapable of doing so yourself due to accident or illness?
If you have any questions about our will writing service please get in touch with our member engagement team or visit your nearest branch and our friendly staff will help you work out the best approach.
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